Saturday 19 March 2011

20 miles in the bag!

Well, just about!  20 miles in my legs anyway - and to be fair I felt good about all but the last 6 or so.  Richard cycled out to meet me after 2 hours and I was ahead of schedule.  It really helped psychologically knowing I was going to have company for the second half - although the Bristol Bath cycle path was chockablock with people as it was such a nice day.  The ring road (first 7 miles) was much emptier and easier to navigate.   Anyway - I did the first 10 miles in less than 2 hours and kept up that pace for a few more but then it really slowed down and I think Rich found it a challenge to cycle slow enough!  But it helped having him at least nearby and I feel so pleased I have done it.  The extra bits of training I have been doing have paid off a bit, I think - I do believe a bit more that I will be able to do it in under 5 hours on the day!

The 'pack' arrived this week - quite scarey actually - loads of useful information, though. 

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