Monday 28 March 2011

Last Long Run!

And it felt long!  It also made me realise we live in a quite small city because I had to go from the east (where we live) through the town centre to the west (Sea Mills) then back in a bit to the Downs and then I headed North and into S.Glos (i.e Filton), around the ring road before I cut down to Frenchay and then hobbled home!  So I covered a good chunck of the North Half of the city to do 22 miles.  4 1/4 hours which wasn't bad considering how slow I was going.    It felt better than doing the lonely cycle path to Bath though but I don't feel that good about the run as a whole - it was a struggle from the start, probably because I am a bit tired and virusy at the moment but at least I have done it - I can now officially 'taper'!! i.e. do less over the next 3 weeks !

Ironically I found the Downs the worst bit of the run - I don't like running on grass and the paths were all very uneven - but the sun did come out briefly for that bit! 

Am very achey now and feel like I need a zimmer frame to get about the house.  A stair lift would be handy too! But am enjoying a rare glass of wine as tomorrow is a 'rest day' - i.e. go to work and have a normal evening!

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