Wednesday 23 February 2011

A half-term extra long run

Not an extra long run but an extra run that was reasonably long!  Well, no longer than Saturdays but hopefully to consolidate my mileage.  I went the other way i.e. parked by the cycle track at Staple Hill and headed out - into the countryside!  I got about a mile or so beyond the pub at Saltford - about 15 miles my mapometer website tells me.  Very boring in some ways as it is just long straight stretches with hedges either side or even a single track railway alongside - some nice views of the river (Avon) along the way.  The cafe at Bitton doesn't do tap water (tight people!) so good job I took a couple of quid as I find I need a refill on a long run.  Must tell the people that maintain the cycle track that they need to get the water fountain working again.  I used to rely on that but now it is just an impressive bit of stone masonry - the picture here  is not the water fountain but another impressive bit of stone masonry I found on the website ( - the warmley giant nonetheless!!

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