Monday 28 February 2011

18 miles in my legs!

That sounds impressive and it really wasn't as impressive as that as I estimate I walked on average about 1/4 of it which would explain why it took me nearly 4 hours!   Why am I so rubbish stamina-wise?  I felt much fitter and able to run continuously 3 months ago!   However, I remember feeling like this before the Bath half 2 years ago and it was fine on the day - sometimes its more the tedium of running on your own which makes it hard to keep going.  Even with 5 Live and Trevor Nelson keeping me company on an alternating basis via my little digital radio (I am certainly keeping duracell in business at the moment).  Anyway - I will be doing the Silverstone half-marathon on Sunday (will just have to imagine what its like when the real racing takes place there!) - will trial run my fancy dress hopefully if I have made it in time - and hope that at the end of the 13 miles I will be able to imagine running another 13 in 6 weeks time!  Will definitely be able to post some photos from Sunday!

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