Monday 28 February 2011

Visit to Rainbow Centre

This is a retrospective post as life has been very busy since last Weds (and access to the computer limited with a daughter returning from an amazing week in Uganda and hogging the pc!)

Anyway - last Weds afternoon I visted the Rainbow Centre - which I am runing and trying to raise money for ( - It was great to physically see the centre and get a feel for the amazing work they do there.  They have been supporting children and families affected by bereavement , cancer or a life-threatening illness for over 20 years!  They see up to 50 children / parents a week providing various therapies (art, music, play, counselling, homeopathy) - really whatever would help that child / family best.  It was awe-inspiring to meet some of the staff and hear some of the stories.  I came away really motivated to raise as much money as I can for this amazing work.  Have a look if you want more info:  is the website.

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