Monday 14 February 2011

Long Run Day

Well, the sun shone and all was good (or at least a lot better than the last few weeks) for my long run day.  I managed 14 miles - with no problems with my leg and my stamina was better too.  However, I'm not going to get too pleased with myself as I did 14 miles 4 weeks ago - before the aches and pains started.  I went on the cycle track down to just beyond Bitton.  Lots of people were out having romantic walks / cycle rides - quite sweet!  Saw some Bath Half people training too.   Feel a bit wiped out now but that's to be expected.  Next run Thursday, then Saturday, then will try 16 miles on Monday.  Will try and add in some photos here and there if I can work out how to upload from my phone. 

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