Monday 18 April 2011

One Long Hot Day!

Sorry - I did mean to do this last night but by the time we got back to Bristol it was nearly nine o'clock and I only had the will to drink a glass of wine, eat pizza and watch the highlights of the grand prix!  Sorry, I have to get my priorities right!

Anyway - Race Day certainly was one long hot day but it was a good one for me - not that I did a good time, far from it!  I didn't even achieve under 5 hours but I realised early on that was going to be a tall order and so kind of didn't try as hard, I guess. 

I arrived at the Red Start at about 9 a.m. with enough time to drop off kit bag, queue for a loo (quite quick actually!) and eat/drink a few things before moving to the start.   As I was waiting for the start I heard on my little radio that Lewis Hamilton had won the GP which gave me a boost before I had even started!  It took about 1/2 an hour to get through the start as expected - during that time, somehow I lost the 11min/mile pacer group which I had been planning to stay near - in the walk to the start they somehow just went way ahead of me - so that didn't bode well, I guess.   Anyway - I started (didn't get the same adrenalin rush at the start as I have done for half-marathons) and soon after the start saw Barbara and her kids and Anna and Zoe - then saw them again at about 5 1/2 as they only had a short walk from Blackheath to Greenwich town. 

I found the whole of South London ok generally - but it was getting hotter all the time.  I just wanted to get north of the river psychologically I guess.  Saw  friends at 11 miles, Rich at 11 1/2 and then the Rainbow Centre Director was at 12 miles just before Tower Bridge so that was a nice bit of support before the hard work began!   Over Tower Bridge (its a big bridge !) and had a surprise to see (and hear!)  a group of Hackney friends there on the North side - then the hard slog to the Isle of Dogs (with all the skinny fast runners running the other way!) -  I think it only started getting really tough (and slower) after about mile 16 - although it was nice to be able to start counting down the last ten.  By this time I was with seriously slow people and got a bit seduced by all the people taking walking breaks - and had given up hope of getting a reasonable time.  I did run most of the way though and just told myself I was conserving energy for the last bit!  Saw same friends again at c. 18 and then Rich, Barbara and all the kids at c. 19 - then it took ages to start heading west back towards the city. 

Mile 20 was a nice number to see - and then it was just hard long slog - but saw Rich and kids and friends at about mile 23 and then my sisters at mile 24 (time for a quick hug as I didn't think I was going to see them after!) - then in to the underpass where I found loos without a queue (had dashed into a pub earlier when i was a bit desperate!) - took the opportunity to reply to a text from Maria who was obviously sitting in her flat in Delhi worrying about me - Actually that loo stop was before I saw my sisters which is why they were looking so worried when they had been told I was only a mile away yet I took a bit longer than even they expected to complete that mile! Anyway it was a nice feeling to know it was only 2 and a bit to go and I did my best to keep going all the way down the embankment.  The crowd was amazing - just constantly cheering people on.  They obviously knew that standing there they had a special job to do!  It really helped!  I didn't realise Trafalgar Sq was so big though!  and then Birdcage Walk - having stood there to watch/cheer two years ago, I understand now why some people couldn't keep running the length of it - it just seemed to go on for ever but eventually we were rounding the corner by the Palace and the end was in sight!  Those 200 metres were the best of my life, I think!   It was just such an amazing day and such a great event to be part of!   I didn't feel emotional / euphoric to go through the finish - just relieved, tired and happy!  

Thank you everyone for all your support - texts, facebook posts, sponsorship,  shouts of encouragement along the route, prayers, everything - it was just so good to know people were there encouraging me on! 
I am very achey today and have one very interesting toe!  

Friday 15 April 2011

36 hours to go!

Feeling scared and excited - and fighting off a cold! 
Have had a lovely lazy week in Cornwall - a few walks but not much else.  Its been great.  
And have seen nearly £300 come in in the last week which I am so encouraged about and grateful for! 
So here goes......  Next and last update will be after the event! 
Thanks everyone for your support.... Love you allxx

Sunday 3 April 2011

The blessed taper!

So enjoying  not having to increase the mileage each week or fortnight!  Did my last double figures run today - 13 miles.  Felt good for most of it although I got bored trying to count the tandems on the cycle path.  Saw a nice steam train, in fact, I was running alongside it for a few minutes.....  Tired at the end, though - am only going to run once this week.  I think my legs need a break and time to recover before the big day.  8 planned for next Sunday (in Cornwall) - will see how I feel.  Have been doing more rowing and even went swimming this week - 40 mins swimming up and down is so boring!  But I didn't feel tired afterwards so not sure if it did any good or not. 

Reading the Marathon forum sites is alternately scarey and then encouraging.  Some people (the superkeen!) have done 26 mile runs and a few 22 mile runs - others have only done max 16 or 18.  Some people are not running at all now - there is so much variation which is a bit confusing but I am just going to do my thing and hope for the best.

I have had about £150 sponsorship in the last week which is encouraging - but still have about 250 to go to hit my minimum!  I was going to do a sale yday (ie.. sell some stuff to raise money) but the one I was planning to do (involving a very early start) was not happening - good job I checked!  So will do one in May to make up any deficit.

Monday 28 March 2011

Last Long Run!

And it felt long!  It also made me realise we live in a quite small city because I had to go from the east (where we live) through the town centre to the west (Sea Mills) then back in a bit to the Downs and then I headed North and into S.Glos (i.e Filton), around the ring road before I cut down to Frenchay and then hobbled home!  So I covered a good chunck of the North Half of the city to do 22 miles.  4 1/4 hours which wasn't bad considering how slow I was going.    It felt better than doing the lonely cycle path to Bath though but I don't feel that good about the run as a whole - it was a struggle from the start, probably because I am a bit tired and virusy at the moment but at least I have done it - I can now officially 'taper'!! i.e. do less over the next 3 weeks !

Ironically I found the Downs the worst bit of the run - I don't like running on grass and the paths were all very uneven - but the sun did come out briefly for that bit! 

Am very achey now and feel like I need a zimmer frame to get about the house.  A stair lift would be handy too! But am enjoying a rare glass of wine as tomorrow is a 'rest day' - i.e. go to work and have a normal evening!

Saturday 19 March 2011

20 miles in the bag!

Well, just about!  20 miles in my legs anyway - and to be fair I felt good about all but the last 6 or so.  Richard cycled out to meet me after 2 hours and I was ahead of schedule.  It really helped psychologically knowing I was going to have company for the second half - although the Bristol Bath cycle path was chockablock with people as it was such a nice day.  The ring road (first 7 miles) was much emptier and easier to navigate.   Anyway - I did the first 10 miles in less than 2 hours and kept up that pace for a few more but then it really slowed down and I think Rich found it a challenge to cycle slow enough!  But it helped having him at least nearby and I feel so pleased I have done it.  The extra bits of training I have been doing have paid off a bit, I think - I do believe a bit more that I will be able to do it in under 5 hours on the day!

The 'pack' arrived this week - quite scarey actually - loads of useful information, though. 

Monday 14 March 2011

Change of plan

Today was supposed to be my second last long run.  20 miles. But.... to cut a long story and lots of  dilemmas short - I was not feeling great yesterday and today and decided it would not be wise to do it especially as I had no back-up for picking Zoe up from school were I to collapse somewhere along the route !   It has really put my training plan out though as I will now have to do my last two long runs quite close together. 

However, apart from that minor hiccup,  I have managed to add some more variety and quantity to my training sessions, so I am generally now doing some sort of training five times a week, mixing it up with rowing, interval training and just normal runs.  The end is in sight!  Less than 5 weeks now!

Monday 7 March 2011

Silverstone 2:16:43

Well - apologies first for the really gross picture of me!  Its all I've got at the moment but will edit it with something better soon, I hope when the 'official' photos become available. 

The weather was great for the run,  but I was very disappointed with Silverstone.  A very boring route to run (just laps of the race track which looked really tatty and various even tattier service roads).  Most of it is being rebuilt so it was hard to imagine what it is like on F1 race day!  Not much atmosphere around the course as spectators couldn't get to many parts so some of it was just trudging with no support at all - I consoled myself with the thought that London will be completely different with atmosphere almost everywhere! 

My skirt started falling apart from the start!  But it stayed on and attracted some attention from the few spectators!  Definitely good having your name on the T shirt! 

I was pleased with my time as I found it quite hard overall - but mostly because it was boring.  Good to get it done and now its onward and upward - yikes!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Half-Marathon Prep

Yes, I am treating Silverstone tomorrow as a mini dress-rehearsal for the big day.  I have my 'rainbow skirt' which actually looks more like I am trying to dress up as a fairy - watch this space for photos after tomorrow!  and my T-shirt with name on (the real thing has not arrived back from the printers so have sewn felt letters on to my old Rainbow Ctr T-shirt).  Weird because this distance is the longest I have ever run in an organised race and yet I am supposed to get to the end and feel like I could do a whole lot more.  Not sure how I feel about it but am going to just try and enjoy the atmosphere especially as it is at one of the F1 racetracks I have a yearning to visit on a different occasion.  I am however, going to try and practise running with one of the pacer groups to see if I can stick with them over the distance which wll give me an idea as to whether that will work in London.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Night-time Run

I did an evening run today but chose a silly route. Started on the same route I did on Monday - i.e. out to ring road and then down ring road cycle path but there was not lighting on the path so it was a bit hairy at times.  Made me run faster though!  I think I was visible in my hi-vis trendy jacket but I nearly bumped into a few people who suddenly emerged out of the gloom! 
It felt ok, though on the whole and I enjoyed listening to the build-up to the football on the radio (and hearing about England's demise in the cricket - beaten by Ireland???!!!)  No more running until Sunday - just two rowing sessions which gives me cramp in my buttox!  Need to make my 'rainbow skirt' before Sunday and hope that my T-shirt arrives back from having my name printed on it in time.

Monday 28 February 2011

18 miles in my legs!

That sounds impressive and it really wasn't as impressive as that as I estimate I walked on average about 1/4 of it which would explain why it took me nearly 4 hours!   Why am I so rubbish stamina-wise?  I felt much fitter and able to run continuously 3 months ago!   However, I remember feeling like this before the Bath half 2 years ago and it was fine on the day - sometimes its more the tedium of running on your own which makes it hard to keep going.  Even with 5 Live and Trevor Nelson keeping me company on an alternating basis via my little digital radio (I am certainly keeping duracell in business at the moment).  Anyway - I will be doing the Silverstone half-marathon on Sunday (will just have to imagine what its like when the real racing takes place there!) - will trial run my fancy dress hopefully if I have made it in time - and hope that at the end of the 13 miles I will be able to imagine running another 13 in 6 weeks time!  Will definitely be able to post some photos from Sunday!

Visit to Rainbow Centre

This is a retrospective post as life has been very busy since last Weds (and access to the computer limited with a daughter returning from an amazing week in Uganda and hogging the pc!)

Anyway - last Weds afternoon I visted the Rainbow Centre - which I am runing and trying to raise money for ( - It was great to physically see the centre and get a feel for the amazing work they do there.  They have been supporting children and families affected by bereavement , cancer or a life-threatening illness for over 20 years!  They see up to 50 children / parents a week providing various therapies (art, music, play, counselling, homeopathy) - really whatever would help that child / family best.  It was awe-inspiring to meet some of the staff and hear some of the stories.  I came away really motivated to raise as much money as I can for this amazing work.  Have a look if you want more info:  is the website.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

A half-term extra long run

Not an extra long run but an extra run that was reasonably long!  Well, no longer than Saturdays but hopefully to consolidate my mileage.  I went the other way i.e. parked by the cycle track at Staple Hill and headed out - into the countryside!  I got about a mile or so beyond the pub at Saltford - about 15 miles my mapometer website tells me.  Very boring in some ways as it is just long straight stretches with hedges either side or even a single track railway alongside - some nice views of the river (Avon) along the way.  The cafe at Bitton doesn't do tap water (tight people!) so good job I took a couple of quid as I find I need a refill on a long run.  Must tell the people that maintain the cycle track that they need to get the water fountain working again.  I used to rely on that but now it is just an impressive bit of stone masonry - the picture here  is not the water fountain but another impressive bit of stone masonry I found on the website ( - the warmley giant nonetheless!!

Saturday 19 February 2011

To Sea Mills and beyond!

Actually there was no beyond - but I did get as far as Sea Mills railway station which is a fair way down the Portway towards the M5 - so officially about 15 and a half miles there and back - which is my longest run so far - although the last half hour was a bit of a run/walk affair with very heavy legs.  Quite enjoyed it overall and was out for nearly 3 hours (that shows how slow I was towards the end - but at least I got the miles in my legs and can build on that.  Nothing too exciting to report - loads of tourists around the harbour, I think the SS Great Britain must be open for half-term - I tried to take a picture of the 'Clifton doves' on my phone but you can't see anything - no, that's not a local indie band, but they are actually doves which roost in the cliffs below the suspension bridge and circle the gorge.  Quite a lovely sight, generally!  It was supposed to be a sunny day but was mostly grey and even a bit drizzly at times. 

Have enjoyed recovering from that exertion by watching all the sport on telly this afternoon - really enjoyed seeing Chelsea get knocked out of the FA cup by Everton and then seeing Mo Farah break the British record was a real pleasure.  Just a shame the mighty Crawley Town didn't beat Man United! 

Zoe has been helping me design my fancy dress for the Marathon - a rainbow coloured net skirt to go over my running leggings!  We even found some probably suitable fabric on ebay!  So watch this space! 

Monday 14 February 2011

Long Run Day

Well, the sun shone and all was good (or at least a lot better than the last few weeks) for my long run day.  I managed 14 miles - with no problems with my leg and my stamina was better too.  However, I'm not going to get too pleased with myself as I did 14 miles 4 weeks ago - before the aches and pains started.  I went on the cycle track down to just beyond Bitton.  Lots of people were out having romantic walks / cycle rides - quite sweet!  Saw some Bath Half people training too.   Feel a bit wiped out now but that's to be expected.  Next run Thursday, then Saturday, then will try 16 miles on Monday.  Will try and add in some photos here and there if I can work out how to upload from my phone. 

Saturday 12 February 2011

9 weeks to go!

Yes, 9 weeks tomorrow I am supposed to be pounding the streets of London (well, maybe not pounding!) - so I decided I would start blogging about it - if only to keep myself motivated! 

Just to recap on the history of this rather crazy challenge - it has been an idea floating in my mind for a couple of years now - that I should do it once and once only and if I didn't I might forever regret it.  I hit the big 5 0 three months ago which made me think it could be now or never so I decided it should be now rather than never!  I am running for the amazing Rainbow Centre, a fantastic charity here in Bristol which provides therapeutic care and support to children and families who have been affected by bereavement, a life-threatening illness or cancer.

Training started well before the snow and viruses of Christmas - then I was playing catch up but caught up well until 3 weeks ago when I started having trouble with my left knee.  I am plodding on and hoping that it doesn't get worse but having to catch up on my training plan again. 

So - I am back up to double figures (i.e. I ran 11 miles today) - and need to do 14 on Monday - that's from here to just beyond Bitton - & back! I am finding that the routes I do are getting a bit boring - but at least I have a choice of 3 off-road routes thanks to the wonderful Bath to Bristol cycle track.

Thats all for this first post.  Below (hopefully if it will load) is a rubbish picture of me just coming back from a shorter run i.e. not looking like a melting beetroot)